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Border Collie Characteristics

Outgoing, friendly and affectionate with friends, the Border Collie is reserved with strangers. They are highly intelligent, very motivated, enjoy working, and may become neurotic if not given enough to do.

Bred as a sheep herder, the Border Collie is a tried and true working dog. They take their jobs very seriously, whether that be herding sheep, performing in agility contests, or simply learning a new command.

Border Collies have an unnatural amount of energy and stamina. They are definitely not couch potatoes and they always need a job to do. They possess a “workaholic” attitude that can be overwhelming to someone who is looking for a laid-back dog. Because the Border Collie is a herding dog, they have a strong urge to gather a flock such as children, squirrels, cats, or anything else that moves.

Their instinct to nudge, nip, and bark must be redirected as it cannot be trained out of them.

They are not usually nervous or aggressive, though. If given a task such as competing in dog sports or herding, though, it is manageable.

Border Collies are very intelligent and sensitive which makes them easy to train. They have an uncanny ability to know what you are asking of them before you even ask it. They make great pets for people who live an active lifestyle or for those looking to compete in dog sports.

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Border Collie Major Health Concerns

The Border Collie is one of the healthiest of all breeds. They have no known genetic defects, although deafness and allergies may occur in older dogs.

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Border Collie Interesting Facts

Border Collies are often cited as the most intelligent of all dogs.

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Dog DNA Tests

We offer a range of DNA Tests for Dogs, please click on the links below or Contact Us for more information.

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Dog Allergy Test

Discover the allergens that may be affecting your pet with a Dog Allergy Test. Tests for allergens including foods, environmental factors, supplements & household products. Click here to read more about the At Home Dog Allergy Test.

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Dog Paternity Test

Our Dog DNA Paternity Test is a quick and easy way to accurately determine the parentage of your canine. Fast, accurate and conclusive results. Click here to read more about our Dog Paternity Test.

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Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) Test

Degenerative Myelopathy DNA Testing is a screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the genes associated with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). Click here to read more about the Degenerative Myelopathy Test Kit.

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Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) Test

Exercise Induced Collapse DNA Testing is a screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the gene associated with Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC). Click here to read more about testing Exercise Induced Collapse in Dogs.

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Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd) DNA Test

The PRA-prcd DNA Test is a screening test for your dog to determine if it carries the gene associated with Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA-prcd). Click here to read more about the PRA Test.

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DNA My Dog Breed Test

The DNA My Dog Test identifies the breeds within your mixed-breed dog. You will receive a custom certificate and report detailing health concerns and personality traits for each breed found in their DNA. Click here to read more about the DNA My Dog Breed Test.

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Canine Breed Inheritance Infographic

Our Dog Breed Inheritance Chart explains how purebred and mixed breed puppies inherit DNA from their parents.